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Crush Injuries
Crush injuries can involve all structures in the area of the injury: muscles, tendons, joints, blood vessels, nerves, etc. causing pain, swelling and stiffness. Initial treatment focuses on pain and swelling control, progressive movement and strengthening are gradually incorporated into the program.

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This is defined as a temporary disruption of a joint, and usually involves damage to ligaments, tendons, muscles, and sometimes bones and nerves. Movement is usually started early, to prevent adherence and scarring of the tissues involved in the injury.

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Injuries to bones – these include cracks, chips and complete breaks. Treatment includes splinting, mobilizing and strengthening.

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Mallet Finger
A droop of the tip of the finger caused by bumping, catching or forcing the finger. This is a tendon and/or bone injury, and can be successfully treated by splinting, then a graduated program of movement exercises.

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Sprains and Strains
Injuries to ligaments and muscles/tendons can be a result of a fall, twist, pull, etc. Treatment may include rest to allow for healing, then reactivation through exercises, ultrasound, massage, etc.

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